About Us
The voices of front-line healthcare workers, their patients, their families, and their communities are demanding to be heard.
Our mission is to activate change that maximally supports Illinois healthcare workers and the communities they serve by promoting improved quality of healthcare, personal welfare, and patient and provider safety. Supporting healthcare workers by definition includes supporting their families, their patients, their communities, and the public good.
Through social networks and novel communications strategies, we engage with grassroots networks of thousands of Illinois healthcare workers to identify gaps, needs, and viewpoints to improve healthcare delivery. The experiences of those on the front-lines and identification of real-time care gaps, and dissemination of up-to-date evidence, helps inform evidence-based action and relevant policy solutions at all levels.
Our networks vet, contribute to, and amplify these solutions. IMPACT takes these solutions to the stakeholders and collaborators who can make a difference. This group's collective recommendations and actions have included public health awareness and initiatives, research, advocacy, and policy recommendations.